Systems For Slowing Down To Accelerate Growth

“You have to get honest about who you naturally are, not who you’ve become, who you’ve crafted yourself to be.” – Sonya Stattmann (4:35 – 4:42) 

As an entrepreneur, you’ve most likely been told that you need to hustle and work hard if you want to succeed. However, slowing down in your business can accelerate meaningful growth and increase long-term profitability. If you truly grasp the concept of slowing down and create business structures that allow you to do so, you’ll find an increased return on your efforts and a greater sense of fulfilment.

“When we allow the flow, when we follow intuition, the things that take hours when we’re forcing them, take minutes.” – Sonya Stattmann (14:4214:54)

In order to identify ways that you can slow down in your business, it’s important to identify the main way that you channel energy. Many women have learned to operate in a more masculine manner – hustling, taking initiative, and being more extroverted – because traditionally that method of operating has been rewarded. If you were made to operate in a more feminine manner, the pursuit of a masculine business model will quickly lead to burnout. You can cope, but you won’t thrive, and it will not be sustainable.

As women, it’s valuable to recognize the flow that can be achieved within a feminine business model. Running your business from a feminine mindset can be likened to water. Water flows but is supported by structure. Similarly, feminine energy works best when it operates within a framework, but a loose one.

Having a solid business foundation is a crucial component for a framework that allows you to slow down. This requires a clear understanding of your target market, clarity in your messaging, and a dependable sales process. Having all of these pieces in place will give you space to achieve greater results with less effort.

Once the right framework is in place, operating your business can be more about paying attention to how you feel. It’s about reflecting and trusting your intuition, even if it doesn’t seem like the logical thing to do. It’s about doing things that feel right to move your business forward. Feminine energy is a body-centered system. That means being informed by your intuition, which leads to emotions and thoughts, and finally action. A greater amount of work can be achieved, with less energy expended, and less danger of burnout.

“A tool that I’m using more and more is to just give myself permission to take a whole day, maybe even a whole week to commit to resettle my systems and foundations.” – Laura Shook-Guzman (26:5327:10)

Developing your intuition is a skill, and it has to be practiced. The first thing you need to learn is to create space and be patient. Intuition is not something that can be rushed. You can create space by contemplating, and being still. Start each morning by re-evaluating your priorities, and making sure that your actions are aligned with the direction you want to move in. Having a meditation practice can be very helpful as well.

As an entrepreneur, you might be tempted to do it all on your own. However, in order to grow, that’s where a good business coach can be valuable. They can take a detailed look at your business and make sure that your foundation is solid, and your processes are streamlined, enabling you to slow down and harness your feminine energy to propel your business forward.


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About Sonya Stattmann

Sonya has spent the last 24 years working with thousands of individuals, leaders & organizations around personal development. She offers resilience-based tools for stress management, mental wellness, navigating change, and dealing with relationship challenges. She currently works 1:1 with founders, leaders & high achievers through her stress management coaching program. She also offers wellness & resilience workshops for teams. She also hosts both public and private podcasts. Her mission is to help individuals and teams build more resilience and navigate adversity, change & stress more effectively. She currently resides in the USA, but you can often find her and her family traveling the globe.