Listen to the Women in the Business Arena Podcast Episodes
We have already busted myths this season like Business Success (or Failure) is Connected to Our Worth and You Should Always be Focused on Business Growth. If you didn’t get a chance to listen to those episodes, click on the title names that are hyperlinked and it will lead you to that episode. I am excited […]
One of the greatest myths in business is that we should always be running after more money, more clients, more followers, and more validation. We believe that everything we do should be about growth, growth, growth! This myth not only leaves you exhausted, but is actually detrimental to your business growth. In this episode, I […]
In this season, I will be busting business myths. The very first woman who is perfect to help me myth-bust in this season’s first episode: Laura Shook Guzman! Together, we break down the myth that “Business Success (or Failure) is Connected to Our Worth.” Even if we don’t consciously say it, or it doesn’t come out in […]
Hey, it’s Sonya Stattman, host of Women in the Business Arena! If you caught our last episode, you will have some inkling that we are shifting this podcast. I have had the honor to do all 200 of the previous episodes with my amazing co-host Laura Shook Guzman and she will continue to be a […]
We’ve got an announcement to make… Women in the Business Arena is coming back! I’ve made a lot of changes to my business and podcasts over the past year. Some things have worked, and some things haven’t worked as well as I’d like. So in this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain and explaining what […]
We are celebrating 200 episodes of Women in the Business Arena! Laura and I are talking about our all-time favorite episodes of the podcast, our most-downloaded episodes, and what we’ve learned about business in the past four years of podcasting. Find More Support for Women in Business: For more episodes + information about the podcast […]
It is no secret that work brings all sorts of stressors with it, especially if you juggle a business with everything else life needs from you. Spending more time in your body and integrating your experiences is a great way to lessen overwhelm and anxiety – but how? In this throwback episode, Laura and I […]
Laura and I are exploring something near and dear to both of our hearts today: community. We met in a community and have both built many over the years, but what makes a truly excellent, supportive community? How do we balance giving and receiving? And how do we find (or build) the communities that really […]
How we relate to money is intrinsically tied to how we value ourselves, our work, and our contributions to the world. In this throwback episode, Laura and I examine our relationship with money & redefine “wealth” on our own terms. This is some of the most important work we can do as business owners. Find […]
There is so much pressure to create the perfect “strategy” for your business, but often the most impactful thing we can do is create more space. Laura and I talk about why creating & guarding your space for imagination, rest & integration is some of the best time you’ll ever spend on your business. Find […]
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