Listen to the Women in the Business Arena Podcast Episodes


A well-chosen specialist can be a huge boost for your business. A social media strategist, lead-generation guru, or top-notch website designer can be one of the most exciting hires we make as entrepreneurs.  But you have to be ready to hire a specialist – which means the foundations of your business have to be solid. […]
“Entrepreneurs have a higher probability of developing a mental illness. We often push ourselves too far and live in a chronic state of stress.” – Laura Shook-Guzman (2:55-3:29) Many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of their mental and emotional wellbeing. Working with a therapist who understands the unique needs of business owners can be the key to […]
“The right business coach will accelerate your progress and give you the steps to success.” You’re ready to admit that you need help in the business arena. Who should you turn to? What do you need to know before selecting and investing in a business coach? It can be hard to differentiate between the sea […]
“You, the modern woman, have something to bring to this present time and place: the next evolution through leadership and business because that is the language of our society.” For many of us, we are here right now, in this time and place, to change the world! Today we close our three-part series on the […]
“When I am in my divine, mature feminine, I am grounded and confident with where I am right now.” The journey to embracing your superpower. Every woman is born with a superpower and a lot of women have forgotten how to access it.   It’s called the divine, mature feminine.  In our last episode, we began […]
“We are going to make far more change by who we are being, not by what we are doing.”  The greatest superpower you were born with. Did you know that being a woman in the business arena is actually a superpower? The feminine energy is a highly creative force with rich value. However, many […]
“If over-owning or under-owning is your pattern, one of the first things you can do is prioritize self-care, self inquiry, and space for yourself.” – Sonya Stattmann (13:40-13:51) Some business owners struggle to know when they need to step in to take over and when they should take a step back. The line between under-owning and […]
“If we’re over-extending ourselves into other people’s circle of power it’s exhausting to us and frustrating to them. It’s disempowering.” – Laura Shook-Guzman (31:24-31:36) Proper ownership of responsibility is a major factor in your ability to achieve success. But it’s possible to over-own and under-own those responsibilities, which can have a detrimental impact on our wellbeing […]
“Women are so notorious for putting their oxygen mask on everyone around them. Family. Parents. Kids. Clients. Once everyone is good, THEN we’ll put our own oxygen mask on. But that is so the opposite of the way it needs to go.” Sonya Stattmann & Laura Shook-Guzman Women in the Business Arena The epidemic of […]
“Stability comes in baby steps – slowing down, being more deliberate and strategic. Sometimes it just takes tiny tweaks to really shift the income you’re making.”Sonya Stattmann & Laura Shook-GuzmanWomen in the Business Arena The logistics behind creating more revenue in your business. You are aware of some of the challenges you face in the […]

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