Listen to the Women in the Business Arena Podcast Episodes
Do you ever feel like stress is an epidemic in our society? I know Laura and I do, and we help our clients deal with stress all the time (in addition to managing it in our own lives). We wanted to explore the topic of stress this week to see if we could deconstruct it, […]
It’s so important to normalize the fact that it isn’t easy to manage your time and fit everything in. If you’re struggling to do it all, you are so not alone. There are some serious structural and cultural obstacles in the way of women’s full inclusion in the business arena. But instead of only talking […]
We all feel discouraged sometimes. If you’ve launched a program or offering that didn’t take off the way you wanted it to (which, by the way, is all of us with a service business), you’ll be familiar with this feeling.There is a way to sit in that discomfort, and learn from it, rather than panic […]
I’m flying solo on the podcast this week, so I thought I would talk about something people ask me about all the time: how I stay efficient, productive, happy, AND grounded. If that sounds like an impossible combination, this episode is definitely for you. I’ll talk about how I figured out what I need to […]
As women, we have huge potential for creating change in our communities, in the market, and in the world at large. But it’s crucial that we band together and lift each other up if we want these changes to become reality. Laura and I wanted to explore the complicated work of empowering other women in this […]
Women are often told that to be successful in the business world, they just need to be more confident. They need to pull up a chair to the table and take charge. But this ignores two important things: the ways women are conditioned to doubt themselves and their abilities, and the different ways women can […]
Today Laura and I wanted to explore the topic of embodiment and what it looks like in a business context. We wanted to talk about what it would feel like if we were to tune in with the wisdom our bodies possess about slowing down, being present, and making decisions from a place of groundedness. […]
This week, Laura and I are talking about the role of discomfort in business, how to build resilience in the face of new entrepreneurial challenges, and why this skill set can help us connect with our ideal clients at a deeper level. Find More Support For Women In Business: For more episodes + information about […]
Find More Support For Women In Business: For more episodes + information about the podcast & the hosts, visit www.womeninthebusinessarena.com Love the podcast? Sign up for weekly emails! You get weekly contemplations & new Reclaiming Ourselves podcast episodes every week straight into your inbox. Sign up here. For more information about Sonya’s other podcasts & […]
Self-doubt is something that every single one of us contends with. We see women in our community doubting themselves, their offerings, and their value pretty regularly. Sometimes, self-doubt even makes them sabotage themselves and their businesses. There’s nothing wrong with holding space for ourselves and each other to remember that feeling self-doubt is a natural […]
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